Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Edemame Salad

This is a simple salad, and you do not need to be exact with the measurements.  Add more of what you like and less of what you don’t.  It is a strange combination, but it is great for parties.  The colors are beautiful and the taste is amazing.

2 Bags Frozen Shelled Edamame
½ Cup Chopped Basil
½ Cup Dried Cranberries
½ Cup Crumbled Feta
½ Cup Candied Walnuts (Optional)
1 Teaspoon Pepper
1 Teaspoon Manjaman 5 Garlic Spice
¼ Cup Good Olive Oil
Salt to Taste

Add of the ingredients into a bowl and mix.  You can add more olive oil if you feel your salad is dry, then add salt and pepper to taste. 

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