Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Blog

If anyone knows me they know I love two things, cooking and shoes.  I love coming home from work, or spending Sunday afternoon cooking.  I would not call myself a foodie, but I do love my food.  I see recipes and look how to make them my own.  There is no greater feeling to plate my dish and to see that it worked.  The next step is to share it with my friends and family.  My son is out on his own, and I think he loves to cook as much as I do.  He likes to entertain and I love to hear about the meal that was prepared.  I also think his dad has contributed to his food ideas, now that he has started his own spice and sauce line, Manjaman.  They have a unique fusion twist, which is a fun change to a plain recipe.

My shoes are another passion, or maybe closer to an addiction.  I love walking into my favorite store, seeing the shoes on display, and trying them on.  My daughter has picked up a little bit of my cooking habit, but has developed more of my shoe problem.  We are the same size and I often find my shoes on her feet.  If she can walk like a lady, and not a spider, she can wear the shoes.  My daughter and I run together, when I can keep up, and shop together.  She runs track and cross country and I have my own personal trainer so, when we can fit in our runs on Saturdays, it is an added bonus for both of us.

I am happy to share my recipes with you, but will keep some of my shoe habit on the DL.  My boyfriend of 12 years just would not understand.

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